Saturday, July 21, 2007

sunburn. for real.

it's really no fun when all the smart and funny things you think of have been already thought of, writen down and spread like fire. done to death. but you have to keep trying, don't you?


Anonymous said...

Offtopic: Pofteam să menţionez că tocmai ai rulat. With the mainstream deal, on zoso's blog. :)

N-am lăsat acolo, că se pierdea-n nutreţ informaţia. Vez', să mergi la alţii pe blog, să le laşi comentarii raportat la comentariile lor, că nu-nchepi de cretini. New one. Săr-na.

Sabrina said...

oh, hey there :)
thanks XD
cretini 'e' ei multi, foarte multi. doar ca unii sunt mai enervanti decat altii.

x x x x said...

ahh, i know what you mean!